"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of History "

Sarvodaya International Trust

Sarvodaya International Trust

Aims and Objectives of the Trust

To revive, invigorate and diffuse nationally and internationally in a form and manner relevant to the contemporary and emerging twenty first century scenario the moral ideals and action programmes of Mahatma Gandhi.

To identify and support those Gandhian institutions and voluntary organisations which are of importance in the context of the objects set out in clause (I) herein supra and doing’ laudable and commendable work in the moral, non-violence, peace, communal and racial harmony fields and in the Social, Cultural and Environmental spheres, on Gandhian lines.

To network with and like-minded individuals, organisations and associations, in -India and abroad, for mutual support and inter-action, so that in due course a global movement based on, Truth, Non-violence, Universal Brotherhood and Sarvodaya, could be engendered.

To establish an infrastructure and mechanism. whereby individuals and organisations in India and abroad, who wish to support the objectives and activities of the Trust could contribute directly or through the Trust to the organisations referred to in clause (ii) herein.

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