"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of History "

Sarvodaya International Trust

Sarvodaya International Trust

Preamble of the Charter of Endowment

In the context of the one hundred and twenty fifth birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the apostle of Truth, Non-Violence, Peace and Universal Brotherhood whose moral and benign impact on the history and thinking of the twentieth century is inestimably profound, AND,

Considering that Albert Einstein had written “Generations to come, will scarce believe that such a one as this, ever in flesh and blood walked upon this Earth” and Jawaharlal Nehru had stated, “The light that has illuminated this country for these many years will illumine this country for many more years and a thousand years later that light will still be seen in this country and the world will see it and it will give solace to innumerable hearts. For that light represented something more than the immediate present; it represented the living truth.,, AND,

Whereas the wide and critical collapse of moral values in all walks of life and the perilous decline in the human dimension in global, political and trade relations and national economy . development have culminated in widespread discontent, corruption, unemployment, violence, communal and racial discord and much human distress, destruction and disillusionment, AND,

Whereas the spectre of global nuclear holocaust has apparently receded, the moral crisis and degeneration has assumed alarming proportions on the national and international scenes, resulting even in disruption and destabilisation of constitutional Governments in some countries, AND,

Whereas in this distressing scenario, Mahatma Gandhi’s moral ideals of Truth, Non Violence, Peace and Universal Brotherhood and his economic and social action strategies have assumed a new and vital relevance. AND,

Whereas this is particularly true of the Gandhian concept of SARVODAYA which envisages the general betterment of everyone, commencing with the moral dimension and extending to every other aspect of human existence and endeavour, with special focus on the service and uplift of the downtrodden, AND,

Considering there is a widespread and deeply felt aspiration for the general betterment of mankind and for a global movement based on Truth, Non Violence, Peace and Universal Brotherhood, AND,

Convinced deeply, that there is an imperative and urgent need to revive, reinvigorate and widely diffuse in a form and manner relevant to the contemporary and emerging twenty-first century, Mahatma Gandhi’s invaluable legacy of Truth, Non Violence, Peace,. Universal Brotherhood and Sarvodaya and his economic and social action strategies, AND,

Whereas to achieve the aforesaid goal, it is essential that an organisation be created by association, interaction, co-operation, liaison and negotiation, with persons, institutions and organisations, Indian and Foreign, committed to the revival, reinvigoration and diffusion of Gandhian thought and action programmes, the preservation of his memorabilia and the practical realisation of Gandhiji’s moral ideals AND,

Recalling Gandhiji’s inspiring words;. “A principle is a principle and in no case can it be watered down because of our incapacity to live it in practice”. “Democracy must in essence mean the art and science of mobilising the entire physical, economic and spiritual resources of all sections of the people in the common good”. And, “Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the one who serves nor the served, but all pleasures and possessions pale into nothingness before service which is rendered in a spirit of joy”. AND,

Considering, in the light of the above, that it is necessary, expedient and appropriate to endow and establish a public charitable trust under the name and style “SARVODAYA -INTERNATIONAL TRUST” to secure the objectives referred to herein.

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