(Bangalore, Established on 16th August 1996)
Office Bearers & Trustees of the Karnataka Chapter
Sri Surendra Kumar Chairman | Dr Jeevan Kumar Trustee |
Mrs Anita Reddy Vice chairman | Dr. Mrs. Najoo Varkey Trustee |
Dr S.P Padmini Nagaraju Treasurer | Cmde F.H. Dubash VSM (Retd) Trustee |
Dr Noor Asma Managing Trustee noorasma@rediffmail.com | Mr.H.S. Bhatia Trustee |
Mr.J.W.Lobo Trustee | |
Mr.Hariet D’Sa Trustee |
Aims and Objectives of the Karnataka Chapter
- To collaborate with, advise and assist the Sarvodaya International Trust (SIT) in its effortsto revive, invigorate and diffuse, in the State of Karnataka, in a form and manner relevant to the contemporary scenario, Mahatma Gandhi’s moral ideals and action programmes, particularly Sarvodaya, which envisages the all-round betterment of everyone commencing with the moraldimension and extending to every sphere and section of society.
- To ensure the proper preservation of Mahatma Gandhi’s memorabilia in State of Karnataka.
- To organize each year, in collaboration with the SIT, independently, and /or in collaboration with local Gandhian and other like-minded organizations, an impactful celebration of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, and a meaningful observance of his martyrdom day, with the widest possible participation from the general public;
- To network with Gandhian and like-minded organizations in State of Karnataka, for mutual support and interaction for the promotion of Gandhian moral ideals and action programmes particularly among the youth, through youth camps, teachers’ training programmes, seminars,publicity campaigns, intercommunity events and humanitarian service.